Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wow, Day 9

This will be my 9th day without binging, should I make it through the day. And I feel like I can. I have no reason not to. Yesterday was a good day, I was feeling a little snackish around 9pm last night while working on a paper but I survived with a sugar free jell-o (mmmm... jell-o....) Anyway, I stayed within my limit yesterday and I feel prepared for today. I am heading to school for the day with my pre-planned lunch and won't likely make it home until late tonight. But continuing on with the theme of the weekend I am still feeling great! I am meeting with ~M~ tomorrow as per our usual 2 weeks and can't wait to update her on my progress! Perhaps I'm through the worst of it? I hope so, but again I want to be cautious and not get ahead of myself because I have done so in the past and literally eaten my words.

Not much to say now, hope this isn't too boring. I hope you are all doing well. How have you been feeling lately? Surviving ok?



  1. hey JJ, that is fantastic!! You did amazing,and you can SO do this! I'm so happy for you, 3 days! yay! I hope things are going well for you today, too :)

    Wow N, you are incredible, 9 days!! I'm so proud of you. I think it's amazing that you are doing this even while you're stressed from school and studying sooo much and still managing to be on top of your game. Great job!

    Oh right, I forgot about the thyroid situation as well...yes, if you are hypothyroid it can cause weight gain because the thyroid hormones control metabolism and if there is not enough T3 hormone, OR if the T3 is present but not being properly converted to T4 (tetraiodothyronine, the active form of the hormone) it can cause a sluggish metabolism which = weight gain. In the second case, iodine is required to convert to the active form of thyroid hormone, so one possibility is, if you have this kind of hypothroidism, you could be deficient in iodine. Of course, if your thyroid is not making enough T3 in the first place, iodine is not an issue. In either case, thyroid meds will help for sure. I'm glad you are getting that fixed!

    Well, not much new here, it's day 3 for me, and I got my period which makes me VERY happy because now I can say goodbye (and good riddance!!) to the bloating and cravings. I did well so far, managed to eat breaky (a big bowl of strawberries and an apple). I don't know why, but I find it really hard to face breakfast, it is always an ordeal because of the anorexia, but I really enjoy fruit and it's getting easier to eat. I'm looking at it as an experiment, taking time to listen to my body and find the best kinds of foods that work well for me for my meals. I guess it's learning a new skill, trying to learn how to eat. I never thought it would be this hard, but that's life.

    Oh and Yup, I was doing a Bachelor of science in Cellular Molecular and Microbial Biology haha, how did you guess? Just kidding! I have 1 more year to go on it, I would like to finish it but I don't really find it that important right now because of other things costing money and I realized when I was working in genetics research that I really didn't like it at all. I'll just see how it goes, but it's more important to pay the bills at the moment.

    take care everyone! stay strong today, love and blessings, April

  2. Back at day 1.

    I don't even know why, but I had an awful, emotional day today. I was stressed and anxious and distracted all day.

    I was in Fredricton in training, and could not concentrate.

    And then...lunch was catered...so I had no choice as to my food....all I had control over was how much I ate. I failed at that. Then to top it off, had a pc. of cheese cake.

    So, as per classic Jen (or jj) style, since I already runed my day, I stopped at McD's on my drive home. Then, since my day was in the crapper already, why not stop at Irving and get some baked goods too.

    I feel awful....emotionally and physically. Tomorrow is day 1 again. _sigh_


  3. Oh, JJ, I'm sorry to hear :( It's really hard when you are travelling to resist these things especially since everything is usually catered and you can't control the menus *hug*

    Don't look at it as failure, this is hard stuff. And hello, I'm the queen of all or nothing, don't let it get you down. And that damn Blue Canoe Irving bakery is killer.

    Start over tomorrow girl, you can do it. Have you tried the Simply for Life yet? What about your conmsellor, have you met with her since you mentioned last time?

  4. April, you sound like a medical dictionary, haha. But that's what you go to school for. It's nice to see you've retained smoe stuff, I'm in school right now and couldn't tell you about what we did in class today :)

    That's great you are on day 3, and even better that you had breakfast, it sounds like a big step for you. ANd it's so true about listening to your body, I''m really trying to pay attention to all my signals
