Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Happy

Wow, I have survived another day! (Well, it's not over yet I guess but I think I have survived...). Nothing too eventful today, had breakfast after working out, pre-planned my lunch and snacks for school and came home for a good supper. But the best part was the cake I had after supper, with no guilt! And it was "legal" cake, as in within points budget, which made it all the sweeter. I was telling my brother tonight how I feel like my head is out of the clouds, if that makes any sense, I just feel so good and like my head is clear now... but as always, don't want to get too cocky.

I thought about getting on the scales this morning. Well, "thought" isn't the word, I guess it would be "heavily debated", but in the end decided against it. I'm not sure I'm going to see exactly what I'm looking for yet. I think I am going to wait for Day15 (God willing I get there), which would have given me 2 weeks having got my stuff together. That will be my reward for this week (is that a bad reward?)

I am starting to feel a little stressed though. I can always tell when my mom is stressed because she starts baking and cooking a little more. But I am making a conscious effort to resist the treats in the house, but don't feel deprived since I allowed myself to have some cake tonight. But I had a small talk with my dad about how we don't need to have all this crap in the house, which he said he would relay the message to my mom (sometimes it's easier to deliver third party messages because my mom and I are so much alike the both of us often misconstrue constructive criticism for plain criticism, so in this case it's easier to go through my dad so my mom and I don't snap at each other).

But all else aside things are going good. I can't wait to update ~M~ tomorrow. The last two weeks started out hard but I've got some good updates for her.

Have a good one!



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