Sunday, March 29, 2009


It was a good run while it lasted, but here I sit, tomorrow is Day 1 :(

I guess, looking back the Timbits were the beginning of the binge - I was kidding myself to think otherwise. After eating them I listened to my body, and I wasn't hungry, so didn't eat supper, not out of punishment, but because I didn't feel hungry.

When I got home from school around 9pm I wanted to go to bed, but felt I had more school work to do. So I had a small piece of treatzza pizza and a small piece of carrot cake. It really was a small amount, so there was no guilt. But then a little while ago my mouth started salivating. I needed more carrot cake. Since the cake didn't have much icing on it, I grabbed the can from the fridge to put a little bit more on, one spoonful, right? NO! Several spoonfuls later and it was on. Found forbidden peanut butter and then had more treatzza pizza. Sigh.

So as I sit here now and my stomach is sore, he is laughing at me, he has beaten my cockiness, my arrogance, my pride :( But this whole episode only lasted about 20 minutes or so - relatively shorter than what I'm used to. And I know I can do this, so tomorrow is back at Day 1, and I am sure I can do this. I'm just disappointed with myself.

So why did I do this? The Timbits honestly just started with one, three, three more, 14. It was all so innocent at the time. I was working on school work but not feeling overly stressed or anything. Perhaps I HAD been restricting? I had such a rigid food schedule today, perhaps that didn't fly with my body? I legitimately allowed myself to have the first round of cake, I was fine with that. But the second round? I was feeling bored more so than anything, but this was not a reason to binge. Not feeling stressed, lonely or anything. I guess bored would be the best way to describe it, perhaps I don't know how to "not binge"? I got lonely without binging? Hmm... Update, I just paused writing this to get more peanut butter and almonds. Sigh. What's wrong with me? I know this is wrong but I can't stop, even while I write this! Why do I keep sabotaging myself?

But on the plus side, I MAY be moving out in September which I am pretty excited about. If for only one reason, so I don't have to be in this house of temptations. I love my parents and everything but it is hard to live here for someone like me. And I know ~M~ says it's not them, I have to learn to be around this and trust myself but they don't make it easy! I just feel if I can be in my own controlled environment I will have a better chance at this. Oh my. Here comes the sugar crash, the stomach ache, the jitters. DAMMIT! ;(

Better days ahead tomorrow.


the saddest girl on the internet

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