Monday, March 30, 2009

Getting Back on Track

Alright, I think day 1 back on the bandwagon was ok. I managed to put in some time on the treadmill this morning (albeit wasn't easy), followed by a decent breakfast, then lunch and healthy snacks throughout the day. I even had a small supper and didn't pump myself full of juice as I had planned this morning (would have set myself up for failure). In spite of the hard night I had last night, I do feel like my head is clear right now, and I think it was just an unfortunate setback, but nothing I can't handle. It's funny how when I've fallen in the past I never felt like I could just pick myself back up again, but I feel like I am back on track now. I won't be consuming more than my daily points today as I had previously been trying to allow myself to do, I guess as punishment for last night (this is wrong). But I am heading home with a few points to spend and will go for a fruit smoothie, this is what I need to get me through the long night of school work that lay ahead of me. I do not need to binge. The pain I felt this morning is not worth the sweet taste of any treat (even peanut butter - which I could be done with. I've had PB burps all day and I feel like this could have created a negative association with this, or I'm hoping it has anyways. Sorry to be gross).



  1. Hey, good job getting through the day! :D
    I did ok too, slept in, had a late breakfast, worked out, and ate healthy, small meals throughout the day. I don't feel completely recovered yet of course, but I feel well on the way. I guess I'll feel more on track tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing the caseworker tomorrow too :) I think it's going to be the start of good things for me.
    take care xoxo April

  2. Good job. Back on track!!!! :)

  3. Thanks girls, JJ how did you do?

    April, I'm happy for you, I look forward to hearing about it

  4. Hey Girls.

    So, I just bought a second dog...and he is WAYYYY over weight...I think i just got motivated to go for early morning walks every day!!! YAY :)

    Food wise, I'm still not doing well. _sigh_ It's almost like I've quit trying. Oh well, on to tomorrow.

  5. Ugh, I fell today. Wasn't feeling well so slept in and I guess out of self-pity, ended up doing it again. I hate this. It's not a very good day...tomorrow will be starting over and will likely be feeling sick from the sugar still, so not sure if I will be able to see the caseworker then or not; will likely wait until I'm back on track because it is hard enough for me to talk to someone and say I need help and I need to do it on a day where I feel that things are going well otherwise it will be too traumatic for me. I plan on going this week for sure though.
    I hope you ladies are doing better than I am right now :(
    tomorrow's a new day though, I know that...
