Saturday, March 21, 2009

Checking In - Saturday

Just checking in for now. Getting ready to head home for dinner. Had a pretty easy day, stayed busy with school work. I am not feeling sad today, rather happy as I am on day 6 right now, but am getting nervous for the night. I will be home this evening working on school papers and such and my parents are out for the night. Traditionally, this is when I am likely to binge, not out of loneliness or sadness but out of boredom, because I can, and because I haven't binged in a while. So I am really going to make my best effort tonight NOT TO BINGE! I have no reason to binge and binging on food will make me feel sick, among other awful things. So I have been "good" all week, so will be sure to treat myself to something tasty tonight (would love some ice cream but might try this parfait recipe I have my eye on.

Anyway, here I go, wish me luck! Will report back later at the end of the evening, hopefully going into day 7.


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