Saturday, February 21, 2009

Surviving Vulnerability

My apologies again for taking so long to write, I am getting pretty overwhelmed with school right now, and I am not feeling like myself lately. But here is a recap of the last few days.

Thursday night I was feeling weak, he had come for me. But I have been feeling so good lately. I found myself with the peanut butter jar in hand, and don't know how, but was able to snap out of the "zone" and put it back, without having binged. It wasn't easy. I had been watching TV with my mom and during a commercial break found myself with the jar in hand. I had to go to bed at that point because I knew it would be the beginning of the end. It sucks that he controlled me to the fact that he ruined my evening with my mom, but I was glad I was able to separate myself from him and say no.

As I identified two weeks ago with my counsellor, my vulnerable times are my rejection/abandonment periods, and I had lots of that on the weekend. I had started out earlier in last week worried about going out on Friday night with some co-workers and how I might end the night by binging or even overeating with them, having taken in too many drinks. Well, I didn't have to worry about that because the evening was cancelled by Friday morning. And I was feeling pretty down about it when I went home Friday night - I had made alternate plans to just watch TV and feel sorry for myself, but ended up going out for a little while with some other friends (pretty casual, home by 11pm). I hadn't felt too down about it though, because I had plans to go out with my brother the following night, so I thought. So I was able to resist temptation, Friday night, but it wasn't easy.

Then, it was Saturday night. And my brother cancelled on me last minute (again), to go out with some other friends. Not cool, but whatever, I'm just his sister, don't really matter anyway. So I drowned my sorrow in a DQ Treatzza Pizza. I won't say that I binged though, or even overate because where I follow the Weight Watchers plan, I hadn't really eaten anything all week, and had been saving up points for the weekend anyways, so enjoyed eating nearly half of the TP (I know the lines are blurry over whether or not this was in fact binging or overeating. My dad, having caught me eating so much of it, thought I was doing something wrong but given I had stuck to the diet plan all week, I don't consider this bad behaviour).

But then Sunday night came, and this is where the lines definitely blur. Having been dealing with my family emergency all week, my mother has been doing lots of baking, despite my best efforts to encourage her not to. And Sunday she made a carrot cake. I was on my way out the door with the intent to take over the other half of the TP to my bf's house where we would finish it and it would be out of my temptation site, but sure enough, my brother had nearly polished off the rest of it, having come home the night before drunk at 4am. And that's where I lost it. Since I couldn't have the cake I budgeted for since it was near gone, I had carrot cake. I don't even know how much because I just sat there in a cloudy haze eating sliver after sliver until I heard someone walking into the kitchen where I put it away and realized what I had done - what he had done to me. I had binged on the cake. After two weeks - 14 days of "sobriety", I had fallen. But not as hard as I had fallen in the past. It stopped with the cake, where it could have turned into a free for all. So I was able to exercise some self-control, he had gotten the best of me.

So it was a bittersweet fall for me. On one hand, it was only carrot cake in two weeks of beating him (I went two LONG weeks without binging or overeating), but on the other hand, I had fallen after two weeks for carrot cake (which I don't even really like, to be honest).

So once again, I've RESET as of yesterday. I'm back on the diet plan, consuming the bare minimum of WW points per day. As I sit here writing this, I'm actually very hungry, but I'm being punished for my bad behaviour on Sunday and cannot go over my daily minimum points. So while Ed's binge/overeating controls are getting easier to fight, I'm still battling his restrictive controls which are just as hard.

I'm meeting with my counsellor tomorrow, again, is greatly needed. I've got a lot to talk about. I hope you all are doing well. I will try to post after my session tomorrow.

xo *N


  1. I have started seeing a councilor. I also need to start seeing a I will be going to my doctor soon for the referral. I do officially have bulimia and have a long rocky road ahead of me for recovery. But I am ready. This morning, after binging and purging last night, I have a sore mouth and feel awful about myself. But, it's a new day.

  2. OMG, congratulations on taking the step to see a counsellor! I know this will be great for you. I am getting ready to go now. I am so proud of you for admitting this to yourself. I don't have bulimia so can't say I know what it is like, and I'm sure recovery is going to be hard, but this will be so good for you! You are right, it is a new dy. Good luck!


  3. N, congrats! I think you did really well. Think about this: you RESISTED the PB, then you ate some pizza but it was planned for in your diet "budget", right? So that's ok! Then the carrot cake, well, hey, there are worse things to binge on than carrot cake. I mean, it's got a fair amount of fibre in it, and it's one of the foods that is easier for your body to recover from overeating on, for that reason. AND you stopped at the cake, whereas you otherwise would have continued looking for other things to eat so it wasn't a full-on binge. Try and forgive yourself, you are making a lot of progress :) I know what you mean about feeling the restrictive part of the ED as well. I have a combo of anorexia and binge-eating disorder, so I understand totally. The other thing is you are going through a stressful time right now, and considering that, you are doing very well.
    It's day 10 for me today. Yesterday I had one of those extra-hungry days where all I wanted to do was eat all day. I did have more food than I needed, because I was craving comfort food and made myself some oatmeal, but it wasn't a binge and it wasn't unhealthy and totally satisfied me, so given that it was a hungry binge-triggering day, I did well.
    thank you so much for your kind encouragement, and you are doing well, stay strong, you are in control!
    love April

  4. Oh, and I know how stressful school can be! Hang in there! :)

  5. Thanks so much, April! When speaking with my counsellor today, she emphasized the success in resisting the PB, then dealing with cancelled plans on the weekend, and stopping after carrot cake, and not "going big or go home". So I need to remember that I am making progress and recognize the progress I am making.

    10 days, congratulations! I am so proud of you, I know it isn't easy. I am glad to hear you recognize that eating oatmeal wasn't unhealthy, but more so to hear you were satisfied afterward. I hear a lot about learning to listen to your body's signals, so that is huge that you were satisfied after that and didn't feel the need to binge.

    Here's to Day 11!


  6. Hi.
    I found this link on a "local classified" site.
    I had it bookmarks for a few days....because I was kinda scared I guess.

    Well, I didn't really realize that this was something that others did...besides me.

    I am rooting for you and its so hard sometimes for me to stop. I am looking forward to reading your other entries, and I am glad that you are seeing a therapist!

  7. Hi Jennj

    I know, I had no idea how common this actually was, it seems it is a dirty little secret many of us are holding onto. It has been so nice to connect with other women and men on this who understand it, even if it is just online support. How do you deal with this? What are your triggers?

    Thanks so much for your encouragement.

  8. Hi.
    My triggers are usually when I am emotionally upset about something. I get very upset easily about such little things.
    The most common ones for me right now are: when my boyfriend doesn't seem to care, like when he is working on projects for his school (college) or when he is unavailable to be around me. He does care, but I just don't see it that he does, it feels often the I am abandoned.
    Also I have had a lot of crap happen to me and if I spend a lot of time thinking about it, I tend to run to the fridge all night...even though nothing I am consuming is satisfying. I have been trying to eat healthy and exercise on most days for 2 months, but I find I tend to "forget" why its so important for me to eat healthy and to try to control the binge eating.

    Talk to you soon!

  9. Yeah, I think emotional triggers are common for a lot of people. You sound like me when you say you spend a lot of time thinking about things that happen to you. I tend to dwell on things where a lot of people would just let them go.

    And not being satisfied with what you eat! That seems to be a common theme around here.

    Thanks for sharing, I know it helps a lot of people when they realize maybe they aren't so different or alone. :)

  10. I survived yesterday :) Did not over eat and did not binge....and did not purge :) YAY. I let myself have a reasonable amount of food...and didn't focus on the calories. I even went and bought one choc. chip cookie from Tim Horton's and didn't feel even one bit guilty about it. YAY for a successful day!!! Here's to trying to make it though another!!!!

  11. JJ, good job! How is treatment going for you? I am proud of you for having control, and NOT feeling guilty about the calories and allowing yourself to enjoy Tim Hortons. You can make it through another!
